My favorite location… during my favorite time of year… with some of my favorite people!
Okay, so, truth be told…this may have been a week or so after my favorite time of year. These are some of my closest friends, and their family session gets pushed to the end of my schedule every year. This year, we lost all of the leaves just a few days before their session date, and I was so sad. But I took them to my favorite spot anyway, and it ended up being pretty magical! The warm sun, tall dry grasses, and random trees that held their leaves just a bit longer than their friends made the evening super pretty, and mama’s amazing sense of style fit right in with the backdrop! And look at that killer sunset we ended up with!
I am so glad that the weather cooperated for these guys, and that their kiddos – who I swear grow inches a day – were amazing for me (as usual). I love getting to create these memories for the people I love!
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