I first met baby Autumn’s family when big brother Josh was a newborn. He was the sweetest baby, and I was so excited to hear that his parents were expecting again!

Any time we have a newborn session with siblings, parents tell me that the sibling photo is their top priority, and I totally get it! Big siblings snuggling with their new baby siblings is seriously the cutest thing ever. Josh did an amazing job holding baby Autumn, and mom told me later that the photo of both kids with their eyes closed is her favorite from the entire session! I love them all, though, and am so glad we were able to capture such sweet memories for these siblings to cherish as they grow.

Once we let Josh escape with dad, it was Autumn’s time to shine! After having a boy first, mom requested some pink, and I was happy to oblige. Autumn looked amazing in pink, and let us put so many headbands on her…poor girl doesn’t know what she’s in for growing up! After the pink, mom had a more sensitive request. In between Josh and Autumn, this sweet family lost a little girl, making Autumn their little miracle – their rainbow baby. Mom asked me to incorporate that into her session, and I found the most gorgeous felted rainbow for her. The bright colors are a great representation of the light Autumn brings to her family – she truly is the rainbow after their storm!

Welcome to the world, Autumn! You make your family so happy, and I am so glad I got to meet you.

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Strongsville Newborn Photography
Strongsville Newborn Photography
Strongsville Newborn Photography
Strongsville Newborn Photography
Strongsville Newborn Photography
Strongsville Newborn Photography

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