Every newborn is special. Their families wish and hope and pray for them, and are so excited when they finally arrive! But some babies are just a little extra special, because it takes more than wishing and hoping and praying to get them here. Claire is one of those babies.
I first met Claire’s amazing parents when they were pregnant with their first baby, Claire’s brother Lucas. They asked me to take some pregnancy announcement photos for them, and confided in me that they were so important to them because of what they had to go through to get pregnant. Lucas was conceived with the help of IVF, and the process is truly a labor of love. The amount of work that goes into IVF treatments is staggering, and this sweet couple wanted to document that even before Lucas arrived. They came to my studio loaded up with bags and bags of needles, bottles of medication, and ultrasound photos of their little miracle. I loved getting to create special images for their announcement, and I loved it even more when I got to see them finally holding their baby boy.
Fast-forward two years, and Lucas’ parents contact me to let me know that he’s getting a baby sister! After their perfect baby boy, they decided on another round of IVF treatments, and miss Claire was conceived. They wanted to honor their journey again, but do it a bit differently than they did with Lucas. So they brought some supplies along to Claire’s newborn session and we incorporated them into a stunning image that shows the journey and the reward!
Welcome to the world, Claire! Your parents went through so much to bring you here, and you are so loved. I can’t wait to see the special people you and Lucas grow up to be!

Looking for Newborn Pictures in Avon Ohio? Contact Ashleigh here!