Do you want to know my very favorite part of having newborn sessions at home? Well, other than seeing all of the adorable nurseries, that is… Being able to include pets in the session! Often, our pets are our first babies. They’ve been a part of our families for years – before we even thought of human babies! So when we have those human babies, it’s amazing to see how our pets interact with them.

In this case, these two sweet dogs thought their new baby brother was theirs instead of mom and dad’s – and they let me know exactly what they thought of me touching him. They wouldn’t leave our side! We escaped to the nursery for just a little while to grab some sweet images of baby Theo with mom and dad, but as soon as we went back down to the living room, baby Theo belonged to his pups. What amazing guardians!

Welcome to the world, Theo. I had so much fun seeing the entire family, furry members included! I can’t wait to see you in a few months!

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Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio
Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio

Looking for a Newborn Photographer Avon Ohio? Contact Ashleigh here!

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