This little beauty is Evelyn, and she has a special story! Evelyn’s parents wished and waited for her, like many parents do; but Evelyn came to her family through adoption!
Typically when a newborn is adopted, we don’t get to have a studio session – newborns do well in the studio for 2-3 weeks after birth, and then they start growing and changing and staying awake for longer periods of time. So after 2-3 weeks, we typically capture newborns at home with their families. Adoptions, especially out-of-state ones – take time! In this case, though, Evelyn’s parents were lucky enough to get to bring her home quickly, and I’m so glad they did!
Evelyn was one of the sleepiest, sweetest newborns I’ve ever had the pleasure of photographing. This precious girl loved every single thing we did, and didn’t make a peep – even to eat – the entire time she was with me! We got to capture all of my favorite poses, and use some of my favorite pretty props – how amazing does this girl look in purple?!
Welcome to the world, Evelyn. I know you’ve brightened your parents’ lives in ways they couldn’t even imagine, and I’m so glad I got to meet (and snuggle) you!
Looking for Newborn Photographers in Cleveland Ohio? Get in touch here!