Even though fall family photo season is by far the busiest (and craziest!) time of my year, it’s also one of my favorite parts. Parents spend months planning with me – outfits, locations, posing ideas – and seeing it all come together is so much fun! I love getting to meet new families each week, or see how much my old ones have grown. And I love spending time with each and every one of your sweet kids!
These two kids happened to be exceptionally sweet. They both grinned at me, snuggled their parents, played along with my silly games, and were happy to ham it up for the camera! And mom and dad did a great job, too. It’s pretty easy to cooperate when you’re asked to love on your babies <3 And I always get the best smiles from parents playing with their little ones.
Thank you for trusting me with your memories, guys. I had a great time hanging out with you, and I loved those big smiles! I’m so glad we were able to create such a gorgeous set of images for you, and I can’t wait to see you all again!

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