Adorable Vinny is officially a graduate of my Baby’s First Year program! I saw this sweet boy as a tiny newborn, again as a smiley sitter, and now he’s a whole year old! Vinny is all smiles every time I see him. It is such a joy to spend time with him, and his parents are just as wonderful. They always have great ideas about Vinny’s sessions, and this time was no different. How perfect is this Mickey Mouse theme?
My little boy LOVED Mickey Mouse as a toddler. We watched it over and over, sang the songs, and had all of the toys. Mickey taught him to count backwards (total parenting win), encouraged empathy, and gave mom and dad some much needed cleaning time. So I was thrilled that Vinny’s mama wanted a Mickey cake smash! And Vinny loved it, too. Look at his huge grins!
Happy birthday, sweet boy. I have loved getting to know you this year, and I can’t wait to see the whole family soon!
Looking for Cake Smash Photos Cleveland? Contact Ashleigh here!