Anyone with kids knows that getting them to cooperate for photos can be tough. We can bribe, beg, and blackmail, but sometimes it just doesn’t go our way. So as a photographer, I’m always a bit nervous when I have a session with little ones and no parents. I can’t just have mom or dad scoop up a running toddler or tickle a grumpy kiddo. It’s all on me to get those smiles! Luckily, some kids are just made for the camera!
These sweet kiddos – twin girls and their little brother – were amazing from the moment I met them. They smiled and giggled, snuggling in when I asked them to and striking a pose when it was their alone time. And the girls weren’t shy about showing off their little missing teeth! They were such great sports as I moved them from spot to spot chasing the gorgeous golden sunlight. And it was so worth it.
I am beyond thrilled with these images, and I know their parents are, too. Thank you for spending time with me, kiddos, and for being so wonderful. I can’t wait to do it again next year!

Looking for a Family Photographer Avon Ohio? Contact Ashleigh here!