Do you want to know the best thing about photographing friends (aside from getting to hang out with them and call it work)? Playing dress-up! If you’ve worked with me – or know me at all – you know that I am super bossy. I’ve embraced it…it’s just who I am. And I think it’s a pretty great trait in a photographer! Most of the time, when we’re finished with our time together, clients tell me that they loved all of the direction, and never felt awkward about what to do. So I call my bossiness a skill! Anyway – back to playing dress-up!
When Amanda, who has been my BFF since college, scheduled family photos with me, I said “Great! Wear this skirt.” And sent her a link. And she said “Okay!”, and built her family’s wardrobe around it. While I don’t quite go for that level of bossiness with most of my clients, it worked out pretty great in this instance! I LOVE this skirt, and I love it even more with Amanda’s gorgeous red hair. It’s just that perfect pop of color for a late fall day. And it comes in a ton of colors, so it goes with any color scheme (hint, hint…)!
Gorgeous skirt aside, I love this family. And I love the way their session turned out. Sweet Declan is a doll, and he’s getting such a big personality as he grows. It seems like he was a tiny newborn just yesterday, but I have loved watching him grow, and watching my best friends grow as parents. There’s nothing better. Thanks for putting up with my crazy, guys! I love you, and can’t wait to do it again next year!

Looking for an Akron Family Photographer? Contact Ashleigh here!