Do you want to know the best thing about photographing friends (aside from getting to hang out with them and call it work)? Playing dress-up! If you’ve worked with me – or know me at all – you know that I am super bossy. I’ve embraced it…it’s just who I am. And I think it’s a pretty great trait in a photographer! Most of the time, when we’re finished with our time together, clients tell me that they loved all of the direction, and never felt awkward about what to do. So I call my bossiness a skill! Anyway – back to playing dress-up!

When Amanda, who has been my BFF since college, scheduled family photos with me, I said “Great! Wear this skirt.” And sent her a link. And she said “Okay!”, and built her family’s wardrobe around it. While I don’t quite go for that level of bossiness with most of my clients, it worked out pretty great in this instance! I LOVE this skirt, and I love it even more with Amanda’s gorgeous red hair. It’s just that perfect pop of color for a late fall day. And it comes in a ton of colors, so it goes with any color scheme (hint, hint…)!

Gorgeous skirt aside, I love this family. And I love the way their session turned out. Sweet Declan is a doll, and he’s getting such a big personality as he grows. It seems like he was a tiny newborn just yesterday, but I have loved watching him grow, and watching my best friends grow as parents. There’s nothing better. Thanks for putting up with my crazy, guys! I love you, and can’t wait to do it again next year!

Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer
Akron Family Photographer

Looking for an Akron Family Photographer? Contact Ashleigh here!

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