I normally don’t like scheduling family sessions until the youngest little one can sit unsupported. That age between 7-9 months when babies have learned to sit and are getting the hang of object permanence is seriously the best – they’re so happy, and are super interactive with parents (and me)! With COVID canceling so many of my newborn sessions, though, I had to make some changes to the way I do things, and that meant scheduling makeup sessions when babies were right around six months old. It made me a little nervous to plan family sessions with non-sitting babies, but these babies were complete rock stars, Allison included!

I have been photographing this sweet family since big sis was a newborn. It’s been so much fun watching her grow, and I was so excited to do the same with her little sister. Missing Allison’s newborn session made me so sad, and I couldn’t wait to meet her. It seems like she couldn’t wait to meet me, either! This girl was all smiles for me, and even did a great job sitting up! She was happy to grin for the crazy lady behind the camera, and loved the little basket I brought to hold her up. Big sis wasn’t as much of a fan of me this year, but hey – two year olds pretty much do what they want! We got some great smiles out of her, too, and I absolutely love the gallery I was able to give this family.

Thanks for hanging out with me, Allison (and family)! I’m so glad I got to meet you, and I can’t wait for your sitter and cake smash sessions!

Family Photographs Avon Ohio
Family Photographs Avon Ohio
Family Photographs Avon Ohio
Family Photographs Avon Ohio

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